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Social Media & Content Marketing for businesses

Telling your stories through your social media

Marketing is no longer about the stuff that you make, but about the stories you tell.

- Seth Godin



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Hi, I'm Sophie Hutchinson and I'm the Founder of Hutch Social.

My love of social media and marketing stems from my six years working within the recruitment industry. A large part of my time was spent getting to know businesses, their brands, their people and their stories. This really ignited my passion for how businesses are perceived online.

We all know that people buy from people, and social media can be a powerful tool to showcase who you are and what you do.

By having an online presence you can build your brand awareness, increase engagement (resulting in more inbound leads), and can keep in touch with your customers, both current and prospect!

No matter how big or small your business is, I truly believe you will benefit from being online. 

If you're unsure of where to start, I would love to help! 



Social Media Management

Looking to achieve audience growth, engagement, inbound leads or web clicks?

Content creation

Designing visual content to educate, entertain and inspire your target audience

Video posts

Using high-definition stock videography, or your own clips!

Community management

Engaging with your target audience and responding to messages and post comments 

Monthly reporting

Analysing posts, engagement and web clicks to ensure your social media goals are being reached

Content Marketing

Looking to build trust and capture the attention

of your customers?


Educate your customers with striking and informative graphics


Keep your audience up to date with industry news and company developments

Promotional flyers

Eye-catching visuals to showcase your product or service 



Get in touch to discuss your online goals:

  • LinkedIn
  • Facebook
  • Instagram

07494 868393

Hutch Social

Devonshire Business Centre

Letchworth Garden City



© 2024 by Hutch Social

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